Djokovic took the final, owns shanghai pretty much. Transformation in him since French open is stunning, shows how much of tennis is in the head. Should move to number one by season end.
I'm not a fan of djoko (or Federer for that matter or even Nadal) but got to give him props for achieving this over past 4 months.
The 4 above players have all had bad luck and are the types of players that keep the game going, play it the way it should be played and a couple of those examples have the stuffy tennis media out to get them. Im thinking Daniel and Nicholas here in particular, although the English still havent forgiven Andrew in some regards for his football joke.
Another downside of the likes of Del Petro, Murray and Krygios being out of the top tournemants is that the game suffers average boring players advancing and boosting their rankings. Schwartzman, Isner, Anderson and Edmund for example. Snooze tennis.