Britannia sickens, Cintra! at thy name; And folks in office at the mention fret, And fain would blush, if blush they could, for shame. How will posterity the deed proclaim! Will not our own and fellow-nations sneer, To view these champions cheated of their fame, By foes in fight o'erthrown, yet victors here,
Where Scorn her finger points, through many a coming year?
L32: Alexis Canter WR 1241 (CH = 1224 in May) vs (LL) Miguel Semedo (POR) WR 1555 (CH = 917 in June last year)
L32: Luís Faria (POR) WR 1252 (CH = 1162 lastDecember) vs Aidan McHugh WR 950 (CH = 949 last month) L32: (Q) Alex Jhun WR 1359 vs (5) Fred Gil (POR) WR 408 (CH = 62 in April 2011)
L32: Mark Whitehouse WR 864 (CH = 859 last month) vs (SE) Guilherme Osorio (BRA) WR 1784 (CH = 1419 in May 2016)