QR1: Harris Trismen (USA) UNR vs Darryl Hale UNR
Alexis Canter could have crept into the main draw.
QR1: Harris Trismen (USA) UNR defeated Darryl Hale UNR by 4-6 6-3 6-2
On the basis of tomorrow's OoP:
L16: Nicholas Bybel (USA) & Alexis Canter CR 2709 (1066+1643) vs Julian Bradley & Charlie Emhardt (IRL/USA) CR 2016 (739+1277)
And Alexis did make the main draw - for all the good it's done him:
L32: (5) Marc-Andrea Hüsler (SUI) WR 575 (CH = 562 in May) vs Alexis Canter WR 1248 (CH = 1224 in May)
L16: Julian Bradley & Charlie Emhardt (IRL/USA) CR 2016 (739+1277) defeated Nicholas Bybel (USA) & Alexis Canter CR 2709 (1066+1643) by 1 & 2
L32: (5) Marc-Andrea Hüsler (SUI) WR 575 defeaterd Alexis Canter WR 1248 by 5 & 0