they have to rake their own courts... wow. 1 person watching amongst the shrubbery growing between the seating. Was expecting a more picturesque venue than this for some reason
I'm still relatively new here and noticed yesterday a couple of posts got deleted about other results / scores in this tournament, is that because you can only talk about other results in a tournament (not directly involving Brits, although certainly indirectly) above a certain level?
I've no idea what posts got deleted yesterday but I don't think the mods are very heavy-handed - maybe it was the original poster deleting their own posts for some reason?
Generally, you can post whatever you like about a result (any result) in any tournament.
I guess if you started doing it consistently about a certain foreign player, or only about foreign matches, then someone would comment and point out this is a forum for British tennis interest. Which would be quite right. There are other forums that are country-neutral. But there's no fixed rules (that I know of) and a lot of leeway granted - which is one of things that is nice about this forum - people don't jump down your throat at the first chance.
I see all 8 seeds have progressed to the quarter finals. Gabi did beat Hives in Launceston, but she has generally been in pretty good form this year and has some notable wins over the likes of Andreescu and Bouzkova.
Wasn't me guv re the deletions and does on the face of it seem a bit strange as I am not aware of any consistent issue re other results/scores being posted and the odd one or two that takes someone's interest is fine. There is also often a clear point to that interest that may interest others too.
And in the bigger tournaments people, including myself, regularly diverge into results and comments regarding foreign players.
In truth very little ever gets deleted, and more just of potentially libelous, arguably ( or not so arguably ) offensive or irritatingly repetitive nature.
I can't remember anything getting deleted except Kitchen Spam.
Even when a players parent started getting quite aggressive one time many years ago (I leave the details purposefully vague), the full discussion was left untouched.
Occasionally a post will get sanctioned by ActiveBoard automatically, and put in holding awaiting Mod approval. In my experience the usual course for this is the inclusion of a shortened hyperlink.
There was also the occasion on which ISF got banned by accident.
But none of that is deletion.
Data I post, opinions I offer, 'facts' I assert, are almost certainly all stupidly wrong.
I echo all what said about deletion being a near non-existent thing apart from "kitchen spam" but, I know in the past posts have been moved to a more approriate thread.....does that explain anything?