Cannot begin to tell you happy I am with this result. It genuinely couldn't happen to two nicer guys.
When I have been to tournaments, they have sorted me out me with free entries, back stage passes and are always happy to take the time to chat. This is Neal's first ATP title and although Ken has won titles before, I know that this one will mean that much more to him, having won this with Neal.
Cannot begin to tell you happy I am with this result. It genuinely couldn't happen to two nicer guys.
When I have been to tournaments, they have sorted me out me with free entries, back stage passes and are always happy to take the time to chat. This is Neal's first ATP title and although Ken has won titles before, I know that this one will mean that much more to him, having won this with Neal.
So happy for them - as you can possible tell
Very well put Bob. Though I have not had your contact with them I am equally pleased for them. I cant get excited over doubles most of the time but really pleased for the brothers today
Cannot begin to tell you happy I am with this result. It genuinely couldn't happen to two nicer guys.
When I have been to tournaments, they have sorted me out me with free entries, back stage passes and are always happy to take the time to chat. This is Neal's first ATP title and although Ken has won titles before, I know that this one will mean that much more to him, having won this with Neal.
So happy for them - as you can possible tell
Very well put Bob. Though I have not had your contact with them I am equally pleased for them. I cant get excited over doubles most of the time but really pleased for the brothers today
Ditto the above, I am over the moon about this, well done guys! Here's hoping there's many more!
I just remembered about this, and am so glad to find out that they won.
As others have said they seem like 2 genuine nice guys and it is great to see them winning an ATP title together. I am sure today is a day that the whole family will long remember.
Hopefully it can spur them on to even greater achievements.