I guess someone tripped over the lead - the feed has dropped out. Bright start by Laura to get to *4-0, then a bad service game and some errors meant it is back to *4-2
4-1, 5-2... ... ... 5-7 UE City.
Wind a big factor, but, in truth, this could be any Laura match from ~2014 onwards in the fundamental display of things.
Data I post, opinions I offer, 'facts' I assert, are almost certainly all stupidly wrong.
It's very poor quality play all round.
But, the wind has died down a bit, Laura's no lnonger overturning her chair at each break!
And, Laura's managed to get a break back and nudge ahead - the court is still too short for her, but Elie is doing next to nothing to capitalise except waiting for errors.
If Laura can hold hersled together she can force a third set.
When did she get that weird flicked flourish on the finish of her forehands? It doesn't help.
5-7 4-3*
Data I post, opinions I offer, 'facts' I assert, are almost certainly all stupidly wrong.
Great point, Sub-club-Sunday-social-hit-and-giggle-point, great point, Sub-club-Sunday-social-hit-and-giggle-point, great point, Sub-club-Sunday-social-hit-and-giggle-point, great point, Sub-club-Sunday-social-hit-and-giggle-point, great point, great point SET!
5-7 6-4
Two good points in a row will just about do it.
She did deserve it. At least she is trying to win points. Elie is very passive indeed.
Come in Laura! Focus now.
Data I post, opinions I offer, 'facts' I assert, are almost certainly all stupidly wrong.