Well done the Swan.
A bit of a wobble in set two where from 2-0 it became 2-4.
Still good enough to get it done in straight sets however.
One suspects that any similar wobble against Frech will not go unpunished.
Data I post, opinions I offer, 'facts' I assert, are almost certainly all stupidly wrong.
Yes, I like Frech's game - I saw her play two years in a row at Surbiton. She's still pretty young (only 19) and definitely on the way up. Hits hard, good technique, good to watch. Won those two 25ks back to back in August too, so must be playing quite well. Will be interesting....
Mmmm. Two of the players had done well to make this round, but in the three QF played in France & Portugal this morning that featured Brits, it was 6 sets played and we managed a total of just 14 games
Data I post, opinions I offer, 'facts' I assert, are almost certainly all stupidly wrong.