Some landmarks on the horizon if he can play to previous form here. Highly significant is that Jay is very close to his doubles partners career high at 322!
I know absolute numbers don't matter and always liked Kyles attitude in development which is that numbers related to rank don't matter they come if one focuses on performance and outcome on a day by day basis. But I can't help but be excited by the fact that he is back into the top 20 players by age for next year before it has started! (i.e. Not yet 20). I really like the statistic top 200 as a teenager as a prognostic marker of a career on the ATP tour.
As of the beginning of the month he should steam past Mr Corentin "the tantrum" Moutet at no 17 when the list is updated. He is still in those not yet 19 for this month in mid table but 329 would put him at about number 7, the top 11 teenagers in the world are in the top 200 so Jay is on track. Kyle squeezed in to the top 200 shortly before his 20 th birthday.