Just drafted 1000+ words about the work thing, but then, I realise, when it comes to Laura, there's no point. It's about as hopeless as arguing pro-Brexit to a Remainer, or remaining to a Brexiteer.
So, I'll only clarify that, work was referenced only in the context of whether a Jo style Epihany could be achieved, and that in order to affect that change, Laura would have to work as hard as Jo, on all aspects of her game, mentality and physicality to even have the chance.
I don't think that's an unreasonable position, and neither is it to say that whenever opinion has been forthcoming about Laura's commitment (e.g. Krajan, Saviano) it's not been to extol the virtues of her work ethic. She looks better physically now than for some time, but that still only puts her in average range for a tennis player. I look at what Maddie Keys did to really work her fitness out (despite many injuries) or Karolina Pliskova has done on her (particularly lateral) movement; same game plan with themselves as for their opponents: head down attack the weaknesses.
Laura still shows no sign of that.
You can say, well, that doesn't mean she's not doing it behind the scenes, and that's true, I can't disprove the negative. By the same token, doesn't mean that she is. And, again, look at the comment that has passed out from those that worled with her, and I don't think it's unfair to say that she often hasn't worked as hard as some of her peers, and her talent has made up for that.
I'll be delighted if the new coach unlocks everything again, and she just looks like a tennis player again, that knows what she's doing on court, like the false positives of Landisville and USO qualies suggested was possible. But, since then there's been nothing. So, I'm not hoping, it does no good. Neither am I expecting it as I can't see any sign of change yet to justify it.
I'll be deliriously happy should it come about though.
This really is the short version!
Data I post, opinions I offer, 'facts' I assert, are almost certainly all stupidly wrong.
Just drafted 1000+ words about the work thing, but then, I realise, when it comes to Laura, there's no point. It's about as hopeless as arguing pro-Brexit to a Remainer, or remaining to a Brexiteer.
So, I'll only clarify that, work was referenced only in the context of whether a Jo style Epihany could be achieved, and that in order to affect that change, Laura would have to work as hard as Jo, on all aspects of her game, mentality and physicality to even have the chance. I don't think that's an unreasonable position, and neither is it to say that whenever opinion has been forthcoming about Laura's commitment (e.g. Krajan, Saviano) it's not been to extol the virtues of her work ethic. She looks better physically now than for some time, but that still only puts her in average range for a tennis player. I look at what Maddie Keys did to really work her fitness out (despite many injuries) or Karolina Pliskova has done on her (particularly lateral) movement; same game plan with themselves as for their opponents: head down attack the weaknesses. Laura still shows no sign of that. You can say, well, that doesn't mean she's not doing it behind the scenes, and that's true, I can't disprove the negative. By the same token, doesn't mean that she is. And, again, look at the comment that has passed out from those that worled with her, and I don't think it's unfair to say that she often hasn't worked as hard as some of her peers, and her talent has made up for that.
I'll be delighted if the new coach unlocks everything again, and she just looks like a tennis player again, that knows what she's doing on court, like the false positives of Landisville and USO qualies suggested was possible. But, since then there's been nothing. So, I'm not hoping, it does no good. Neither am I expecting it as I can't see any sign of change yet to justify it. I'll be deliriously happy should it come about though.
This really is the short version!
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.Hector Berlioz