Indeed! I'd mentally had him booked as an ion with net positive charge for a long time before hearing him refer to himself as BiS noted. Came as a bit of a shock. (Sorry)
On the subject of Dan's schedule it looks like after the US Open he will play the main tour Asian swing. He has entered the ATP 250 in Schenzen w/c 26th Sept and so I would imagine that he will follow up by playing qualifying in Tokyo or Beijing (both of which are 500s) and then qualifying for the Shanghai Masters.
Not sure if this has been posted yet (can't be @rsed to go back very far).
As an aside, does anyone know how Mike Cation pronounces his surname (kay-shun? Or to rhyme with "anion", i.e. an ion with more electrons than protons?)? I like to know these things & I've never heard anyone speak about him as opposed to referring to him in print.
He often says his own name on air - "Mike Cation here at the ............ "