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Post Info TOPIC: Week 32 - Olympic Tennis Competition - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Hard

Club Coach

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Week 32 - Olympic Tennis Competition - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Hard

Anyone found a highlight reel of this match? I missed it but by the sounds of it, I REALLY need to see it!

Come on brits :D

Tennis legend

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Posts: 13639

I'm not sure about highlights but the full match is on the BBC website -


Challenger level

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Very good showing from both of our young professional sportswomen, with both going a round further than their ranking predicted in singles, with Heather also winning in both doubles and mixed.

In the harsh regime of central sports funding, though, this will count as a failure for British tennis, with the gold and silver medals from London replaced by just one gold in Rio. Some funding may go astray as a result, as far as I know.


Tennis legend

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wimdledont wrote:

Very good showing from both of our young professional sportswomen, with both going a round further than their ranking predicted in singles, with Heather also winning in both doubles and mixed.

In the harsh regime of central sports funding, though, this will count as a failure for British tennis, with the gold and silver medals from London replaced by just one gold in Rio. Some funding may go astray as a result, as far as I know.

Funding for each sport is much more about setting a medal target and whether that is achieved or not rather than medals against previous medals ( which is fair, especially if some previous medals were unexpected or folk have moved on ).

Not sure what the tennis one was ( there will be a general list somewhere ). I would have said one, but maybe was two ( set well in advance ). The total target was evidently 48, which has already been exceeded 

I know that rowing's target was 6 medals and they 'only' got five so a little concern and they are saying 'feel the quality' - 3 golds and 2 silvers - and there have been some injury issues for some, although of course that always can happen. 

Tennis anyway is probably less reliant on such central funding than many sports ( I imagine that Wimbledon generates more than Henley! ) and maybe more of an issue is what is done with what they have.

-- Edited by indiana on Wednesday 17th of August 2016 03:06:37 PM


Tennis legend

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Posts: 53273

As far as I can see, from the UK Sport 2013 - 2017 Rio Olympic funding figures, tennis doesn't get any funding at all anyway:

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