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Post Info TOPIC: Week 32 - Olympic Tennis Competition - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Hard

Tennis legend

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Week 32 - Olympic Tennis Competition - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Hard

Yep, there is something about him that is just err annoying.

Broken to 15 after most error strewn game for quite a time, 2-3*


All-time great

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But then... brave. Steps up the attacking, and earns the break back. *3-3
Compeling stuff now.


Tennis legend

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Well who is going to win this battle of errors ? Jo now 4-3*


Tennis legend

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Yay, DF gives Jo a *5-3 lead without having to "commit with a capital T" as the commentator had put it ..


Club Coach

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It's a war of nerves. Come on Jo!


All-time great

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Saves 2 break back points, both with winners.


All-time great

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And a third, out-hustling Kuznetsova.
Deuce 2


All-time great

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But not a fourth.
Couldn't eke out an MP, with Sveta showing all her quality.

-- Edited by AliBlahBlah on Tuesday 9th of August 2016 07:48:36 PM


Tennis legend

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Still chance on return to claim the match. Been plenty of breaks.


Tennis legend

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Kuznetsova holds to 30, *5-5.

I assume no final set TB if we get to 6-6. That's normally the case at the Olympics.


Club Coach

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I'm pretty sure it's a final set tie break


All-time great

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Yes, deciding TB for this Olympics.


All-time great

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3 more BP saved from Jo *0-40 to deuce.


All-time great

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Posts: 5568

And an ace to hold! TB at worst.
As Svetlana comes out to serve to stay in the match, the clock will tick to 3 hours, of absorbing entertainment, good, bad, great, awful, and lots of drama.
Come on Jo! It's B...B...B... Break time!


Tennis legend

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Posts: 39842

Mental strength. Holds for *6-5.

There's been a lot of 'Kuznetsova won't go away' from the commentator. Jo's hardly been taking clear opportunities to go away!

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