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Post Info TOPIC: Week 32 - Olympic Tennis Competition - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Hard

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Week 32 - Olympic Tennis Competition - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Hard

... so Jo breaks to lead off *1-0


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AliBlahBlah wrote:

Court is so slow I'm making Sveta a very strong favourite.

Stanford it certainly isn't and to me Jo likes playing off pace rather than very much having to generate it.

Break apiece, 1-1*


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indiana wrote:
AliBlahBlah wrote:

Court is so slow I'm making Sveta a very strong favourite.

Stanford it certainly isn't and to me Jo likes playing off pace rather than very much having to generate it.

Break apiece, 1-1*

I've heard everyone comparing it to Indian Wells, with that top surface almost like sandpaper that digs into the ball and kills pace. It also makes the kick serve potent here. The difference between here and IW though is that they're using the Wilson Australian Open series balls, which compounds the effect.


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Jo playing pretty bad, spraying backhands, netting forehands and no first serve to speak of. Seems nervous. Can't play like this against Svetlana


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Weird set. Not much good by either player, and both seemed irritated by things going on around the court.
Jo had opportunities despite being off sorts. If she can just okay her usual game, she has a chance.


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Hope she settles down.

I've gotten used to her being quite dependable in the last year. I was quite disappointed when she bottled that match that would have taken her top 10. I wonder if she's still in touch with her mental coach.


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Jo is very nervous and being outclassed by a quality opponent.


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I don't think Kuznetsova's, undoubted, class has much to do with it - she's not having to do much as Jo's forehand is completely mis-calibrated today.
Sadly, I think we're probably done here, already. The sight of Jezza Bates courtside doesn't help with that feeling.
3-6 *0-2


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AliBlahBlah wrote:

I don't think Kuznetsova's, undoubted, class has much to do with it - she's not having to do much as Jo's forehand is completely mis-calibrated today.
Sadly, I think we're probably done here, already. The sight of Jezza Bates courtside doesn't help with that feeling.
3-6 *0-2


A man after my own heart...... cry

And what are the LTA doing paying for Bates to be there anyway ? Unless of course he's funding it all himself..... yeah, right.....

But come on, JoKo - although I have not watched one single ball of Olympic tennis - back to the archery - c'mon, Jo !


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Better game from Jo, still some bad shots, but she breaks back for 2-2


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Four games in a row to lead 4-2 and 40-0, then the serve deserts her and it's back to 4-3*


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Jo serving 4-2 just wow, worst tennis I've seen in a while. She's lost faith in herself


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Somewhat bizarrely, the mixed draw is showing Ms Konta playing with Andy Murray. Presumably that's just an organisational error?


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Good hold Jo *5-4, needs to get pumped she could sneak this set


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Sveta is the first person this year I've seen really picking the Konta serves. Even those who have beaten her have said how unreadable it is, and her service performance stats back that up. But Sveta seems to have it pretty figured.
Big hold from Jo there, still too many UE though, which are the only thing stopping her really taking the match to Kuznetsova.
3-6 5-4*

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