I think that was a really good loss, if there is such a thing.
After a first set mauling, she did really well to win the second, and could easily have won the third and the match. Cue celebrations of the comeback of the year.
I think that was a really good loss, if there is such a thing.
After a first set mauling, she did really well to win the second, and could easily have won the third and the match. Cue celebrations of the comeback of the year.
As it was, it was s loss to the lower ranked and very beatable Risa Ozaki in which having been disappointingly very well beaten in the first set and still struggling to make any sort of headway on Ozaki's serve in the second set Naomi did well to nick that set. But having got that lifeline and into a third set decider still couldn't prevail.
Pity, and good that she improved after that first set, but really good loss, and I do think there is such a thing - not close for me.
-- Edited by indiana on Friday 22nd of July 2016 01:39:04 AM