Bit of a farcical situation that could have been avoided by suspending the match one point earlier but a double break for Heather with a chance to regroup and an injured opponent. I haven't seen much of this match since the first few games but with Heather losing 7 games in a row I can have a guess that she is not playing well!
Jo wasn't as impressive as yesterday but got the job done nicely, another toughie next.
As for Hev, very nice clean performance in the 1st, but since then..... Summed up by the last point, with her opponent on the ground, can't find the court to win an easy point. I think Beck will be fine, and you'd like to think that Hev will be a different player on the resumption, can't be any worse anyway.
Hopefully Hev can now come back refocused and with her game back in much better order, having looked destined for defeat on Wednesday.
So far 5 in total through to R2 from the men and women slightly beats the accumulated betting of 4.7. And if Hev can make it 6 it will have overall been a pretty good R1 even if some of the losses were rather more clearcut than some hopes ( no sets won in the 9 lost matches ).
Andy, Heather, Jo and Evo were the favourites in their matches so no Brithish favourite ( yet, Hev! ) overturned, and Tara and Marcus beat the odds to different degrees.
The Nike dress is a fabulous addition to the sporting maternity wardrobe, fabulous that they have been so inclusive and broad minded in their development of sports clothing but really if you are trying to work every angle to win a grand slam there are vastly superior designs that allow unimpeded movement.
Katie looked great in it, played very well against a slightly older and more highly ranked player but lost a very very winnable game, I don't think it was a distraction for her or anyone watching, definitely some lessons to be learnt as far managing the backend of a game is concerned, it shows what's great psychological challenge tennis is, having to modify her clothing is the least of her worries.
Summary, Nike ladies tennis wear Wimbledon 2016, not fit for serious athletes, not fit for purpose, end of.
Summary, Nike ladies tennis wear Wimbledon 2016, not fit for serious athletes, not fit for purpose, end of.
Most of the opprobrium heaped upon Nike appears to come from spectators and press - particularly the press as it gives them an excuse to publish pictures of scantily clad ladies whilst pretending to be offended - rather than players.
Some of the ladies say they like it, and the ones that do wear it apparently had the alternative of a skirt/ top rig. ("Aside from the mandatory fixes made to the dress, Nike also offered its players the option of wearing a more traditional skirt and top combination. There were several takers.") I particularly liked the headlines about Serena ("The Nike 'nightie' that Serena Williams REFUSES to wear") when Serena never wears the generic Nike kit, she always has her own.
I think Katie B should get special intelligence mention for actually trying out the dress BEFORE taking to the court - hence having to search round the house to find something (an old hairband in the end) to secure it down.
Several players who did agree that it floats too much, and it was a problem, seem to have found that a surprise !!!
And the Nike seamstress obviously had a tough day, sewing up all those little split seams.
Obviously some players were happy with it, but it's pretty rare, christ, for the players to choose NOT to wear the new special kit so the fact that there was a more basic, normal one on offer is hardly really in Nike's favour, in my view.
I think Nike have tried too hard to make a dress that stands out from the others within the all-white rules of Wimbledon, and as a result practicality has gone out of the window.