There are times that I hate myself for being sentimental and refusing to bet against players I like. As soon as I saw how windy it was I thought the chances of Evo winning were pretty remote.
I'm thinking of going to watch in the next couple of days. What are viewing facilities like for the outside courts? The couple of times I have turned the stream on for the outside court there has been absolutely no one there watching. Are you allowed to watch? There seems to be space there to watch but no chairs or anything.
Any other impressions of the venue, and is it easy to park?
I went around 8 years ago. Easy to park yes and there are good facilities for views. Things may have changed since then. I went in the summer whn it was 35 degrees and watched Josh Goodall play when he was on a hot streak.
I have no idea how the guys played in that heat as I couldn't stand watching for more than 15mins ata a time.