L32: Gabi Taylor (5) WR 655 v Carolina Betancourt (MEX) WR 937 (CH 561 Mar 2015)
If Gabi plays to her ranking it should be enough to break into the top 500
I'm surprised to see Carolina ranked so low. Has she been injured?
The Optimist wrote:I'm surprised to see Carolina ranked so low. Has she been injured?
She was Oli
Goldings girlfriend at one point
Good luck Team GBR in 2016!!!
scottie1 wrote:The Optimist wrote:I'm surprised to see Carolina ranked so low. Has she been injured?She was OliGoldings girlfriend at one point
I trust being injured and being Oli G's girlfriend aren't in any way linked!!!!
Good win!
[5] Gabriella Taylor GBR d. Carolina Betancourt MEX 6-1 6-4
Gabi won 6-1 6-4, taking about her 4th MP in her final service game
Edit : Too slow