Bad luck Laura; tough draw :(
Katie may be on court sooner than we thought; first match on court 3 saw a 21 year old Russian wild card get double bagelled...
The take-away from this, of course, might be that Ms Al Nabhani, from Oman, is very happy playing in Egypt and found Glasgow an utter shock to the system and has vowed never to go there again.
Looking at her results sheet form last year, minus one trip to Canada, and the ill-fated jaunt to Scotland, she has played 100% in the Middle East/North Africa/Greece and Asia.
I think the fields are much stronger at the moment. Last autumn players like Laura and Mirabelle were getting seeded 7 or 8 in Egypt or Tunisia. The problem seems to be that there are no accessible 15/25k events to draw off most of the 200-400 ranked players.