I look him up and one version says he's British, living in Dubai, lovely video of him in training there, (very good technique) ....
The other version says he's been the UAE champion for several years, has an Australian mum, a Lebanese dad, was thinking of changing nationality from UAE to Lebanon, but decided against it.
Oh, and is fully funded by Just Falafel (you've got to smile).
Does anyone know any more precisely his nationality/story/background ?
Mega congrats to him, of course, it'll be a BIG ranking rise - do hope he's in Brit tennis to stay, he's in an excellent programme and seems to be doing very well.
Karim helped his Suffolk school year boys team win the AEGON Team Tennis Schools competition last year. He is on a tennis scholarship there. Karim must have changed nationality from UAE between 1 and 2 years ago.
Thanks, David. I even wondered if it was two separate boys - the pictures didn't look very alike although, with the same name, age (pretty much) and tennis, in Dubai, the chances of two seemed almost non-existent.
I wonder if he was at boarding school in the UK ? As this article says he's been living in Dubai since 2001, from the cradle, it says. It also says he has joint French and English nationality, with Lebanese parents (although the other one said his mum is Australian, and then I found one that said she's half-French, half-Aussie. I also found one saying the dad is 'British of Lebanese extraction).
(Also saw that Karim was hitting with Andy Murray)
I will now stop stalking poor Karim and just wish him every success with his tennis, for whichever country he wishes to play for (although Britain would be nice !)