L32: Luke Bambridge WR 503 defeated (WC) Jabor Mohammed Ali Mutawa (QAT) UNR by 2 & 2
L16: Luke Bambridge WR 503 vs (Q) Laurens Verboven (BEL) WR 1102 (= CH)
Sorry to burst any bubbles but according to the current tables Bambo is ranked 581....
503 is his career high, set just over a year ago - it would be nice if he got back there before long though (preferably at least 3 places beyond, eh Bob! )
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!
I was hoping for 2/3 but 3/3 is very good indeed, given the opposition Scholtz hasn't been having a good time since he won a Futures title early last month but is 501 places ahead of Jonny and Hong may be lower-ranked than Scott but is junior no. 4 (CH 2 last month) and beat 3 Brits on the way to the final last week.
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!
... not to mention that Jonny is shown with his career high instead of his current ranking (888) as well, while Scott is shown with last week's ranking instead of this week's ranking (831)!
Shall we just correct them all for the QF line-up once Bambo's opponent has been decided?
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!