Just realised it was 2014 I predicted Jo to be ahead of Heather so slightly annoyed now although I did call it in the Spring. Hey I actually predicted in the comp bears no resemblance to anything I've been thinking for months. Such is life.
Jo will up to bordering on 50 I make it about 52 rankings wise. Future rises depend on going deep. It's not beyond the realms of possibility she could finish the year within the top 32 now thereby being seeded for Australia. Top 50 is certainly guaranteed anyway barring injury.
You have to feel for Azarenka given these injuries but thrilled to see Konta make round 3. Its difficult playing someone whose injured in terms of game plan but Konta kept going for her shots. I'm in two minds now about what I want to happen, if Halep can somehow lose her match against Pavlyuchenkova that gives Konta a great chance to make the QF but that would then be on likely early hours of the morning in Europe and might not be televised.
It would be an interesting match to see Konta up against Halep, oh well we'll just have to wait and see what happens!