Brydan struggles to contain his emotions and from a spectators perspective is hard to like, you do however have to respect his desire to win and to be an elite tennis player. He's got fire in his belly but occasionally gets burnt. He has insight and has been upfront about some of his inner demons I really hope he continues to progress in managing them and reaps the benefit in his tennis.
the men played a good MTB - deserved to win it - well done Brydan and partner.
And, good points Oakland - Brydan's difficult to warm to but the only time I saw him play live, he behaved impeccably. (Not borne out by livestream but hey . . ) And it can't be easy being the young great hope and then not delivering. And, yes, he seems driven and determined. He was also one of the few 'GB' players who tweeted fervently about the Davis Cup. I wish him well too.
Sometimes the red mist and emotions generally take over with sports people.
I have never listened to Brydan, but I can certainly think of other sports people, who come across as pretty thoughful and considered and to me very pleasant away from the sporting arena, but on the football pitch or wherever, my gawd ...