I just struggle to believe at times that James Ward is ranked as high as he is - sorry not one of my favourites. Once again he has been beaten - comfortably it would seem - by a bloke outside the top 200. I know rankings can sometimes be a bit misleading and they are not always a fair reflection of form but shouldn't JW at least be making it a bit more competitive. Davis Cup aside - he has not beaten one player inside the top 150 since early to mid-October, won only one match on the main tour, and beaten only one player inside the top 200 all year. What also gets me is that it would seem that he has also been assured of a wc , irrespective of performances or ranking, as he has already stated that he is playing the Nottingham Open the week before Wimbledon and the week the qualifying tournament will take place. Or he has made the assumption, that he feels he is entitled to one - and I'm sorry I do sense an air of entitlement about him based on previous years - that he will get one whatever but I suspect the former. Either way it is just wrong imho. If it was left to me - and I'm not a fan of wild cards at the best of times as some know - he would be made to qualify and earn the right to be there like 94% of the field have to. But I know that won't happen.
To be fair ( and as you probably know I generally share your thoughts on Slam MD WCs ) James at worst won't really be that far off direct entry to the Wimbledon MD unless he gets into Rome qualies and does well, in which case he could make it without a WC.
Anyway, the fact is that James and Kyle and probably Liam won't be anywhere near Wimbledon qualies.
The fact that James feels free to say that he is playing Nottingham in the week of Wimbledon qualies I wouldn't call an "air of entitlement', but simple realism and common sense.
A131, you know he won't be playing Wimbledon qualies, I know it, James knows it, everyone knows it. And nice to have any info on players' plans.
I just struggle to believe at times that James Ward is ranked as high as he is
Probably because he has an attacking gamestyle that, when he is on form, is able to compete with (and maybe beat) most of the top 100. However when this Plan A is off form he lacks a reliable Plan B or C to call upon to help him see out matches, which explains why he can be so patchy in his form