Hi All, I've been a smoker since I was a teenager and have tried to give up numerous times but never lasted more than a week. Anyway I got myself an e cigarette a month ago and haven't touched a cigarette since, it was so easy to give up this time! Obviously I am reliant on the e cigarette now but its way better than being hooked on cigarettes. If you are a smoker i recommend you give them a try , it might save your life.
as a pharmacist I obviously keen to encourage smokers to give up you have taken a movement in the right direction but there are still some significant risks to your circulatory system increasing the risked of hypertension leading to increased risk of heart disease and stroke .
by substituting tobacco with e cigarettes you are significantly reducing the risks of various cancers but unless you significantly reduce the dose of nicotine you still have on average 3 x the risk of heart disease compared with not using e-cigarettes .
To safe guard against the cardiac risk take 1 enteric coated asprin 75 mg daily ( if have healthy GIT ) or ask your GP to prescribe Omcor ( potent form of omega fish Oil ) one Twice daily .
The nicotine is very sticky I remember as a student touching with latex gloves pure nicotine the fingers stuck together it's like glue & in the blood adheres the platelets together increasing the increase of clotting & narrows the arteries
make sure you do a min 30 mins continuous cardiac excercise 4-5 times per week which raises your HR to 70% of your max heart rate this will lower your BP & dilate the major arteries around the heart improving circulation And reducing your blood pressure .
have your cholesterol & Resting blood pressure checked . Regular cardiac exercise will reduce both as will a diet rich in magnesium rich vegetables , fruit , and oily fish .