Cheers, Spectator. Well spotted! Not very well written - the net must've been singing if it was producing chords during the match! - but quite revealing &, as you sort of imply, the author is ignorant of the passion/knowledge of GB tennis fans or, at any rate, those who frequent this board!
Really enjoyed last nights match- Dan looked well and truly overwhelmed in the first but really dug in. You can see physically that Dan works hard and was going to enjoy the battle more than a youngster, but you really have to tip your hat to Dan for not panicking and executing his game.
Interesting blog post. I enjoy Cations commentary but he is extremely biased towards US players, which is fine, but the blog paints him as a neutral observer when he is anything but.
I found it interesting that Cation was pointing out how much Jared talks to his father during matches. He was complaining a lot, but the nature of his complaints was what I believed rattled Dan, as he seemed arrogant in the way he was doing it. The match reminded me of Federer telling Djokovics parents to be quiet - some parents seem to want to be the 3rd player on the court and appear disrespectful, which Donaldsons dad was IMO - this is the ATP Tour now and different behaviours are expected.
I didn't manage to watch the match, but if the suggestions about parental involvement were true, then I see no reason for that to be accepted nor encouraged. Parental involvement, from any independent professional level (ie. Futures+) serves only as a detraction in the long run. The idea of the 'tennis court being a lonely place' is one that serves to intimidate initially, but eventually to build the player to higher levels of mental defense and grit. As far as I'm concerned, if there is money and points on the line for the winner, then the parent should serve, in public, much like every other spectator does, with clenched fists during victory and a pat on the back during loss. After the match, it's up to the player as to how involved he wants his parents to be. Imagine Jared's father attempting to be the 3rd player in an full ATP World Tour event - that wouldn't go down well, and for good reason.
It was actually embarrassing at times from Donaldson, I heard his dad say 'good serve' and he replied with 'thanks' a couple of times. Every time there was an error he'd turn round and look at him, his dad had his hand over his mouth but was clearly saying something most times.
HOWEVER I thought this actually fired Dan up a bit more, the big point in the match was at midway through the second, Donaldson was querying every line call and Dan said 'its way out stop being such a baby' so Donaldson asked Dan to show him a mark - he did and he walked off sheepishly, lost the next three points and the second set.
I'm sure they wouldn't have got away with it in a world tour event, but he will have been getting away with it in Futures as well I suspect.
Not 100% sure (for some reason Firefox at the moment crashes on me virtually every time I try to fire up the ATP live scoreboard , so I've been forced to look elsewhere) , but I think
QF: Dan Cox & Dan Smethurst CR 849 (658+191) defeated (WC) Takanyi Garanganga & Takura Happy (ZIM/ZIM) UNR by 3 & 4
If so,
SF: Dan Cox & Dan Smethurst CR 849 (658+191) vs (4) Bradley Klahn & Jordan [needs a decent haircut!] Thompson (USA/AUS) CR 507 (177+330)
Re: the article - Yes. I should have said that giving the link did not imply endorsement of either writing talents or views. (Interestingly, found the blog, which I have never seen before, via a link from - didn't know they looked at such things). Having neither been at or seen the match - ie not having the dedication of others on this board! - I can't comment on the elder Mr Donaldson's behaviour. But my general rule would be that if you are a parent, nobody should know that you are there unless they're looking for you (ie Judy Murray-esque fist pumps are fine; noisy behaviour is not). What Jaffa reports is really not on.
Given that the US are SO short of a tennis star at the moment, and that Jared is so promising a youngster,, I'd have thought rather a lot of US tennis fans were also watching. And, of course, the GB ones held their end up too . . .
Interesting to hear the writer's take on things . . .
-- Edited by Coup Droit on Friday 18th of July 2014 07:56:03 AM