the first two quarters have kicked off. On the basis that it's pointless to just go for the two best ranked, I'm going for Lewis and Jonny (sorry, Neil!). Nice that it's all Brit whatever :::)))
Good for Lewis - that should get him to WR 755 or so, and back into the top 25, and with a good chance of going one step further.
Just compiling next week's GB top 25 table and there's quite a revolving door at the moment!
- Jack Carpenter went in last Monday at George Coupland's expense, jumping from GB 42 to GB 22
- George will re-enter the GB top 25 next Monday at a career high at Rob Carter's expense
- Toby Martin will enter the GB top 25 for the first time next Monday at a career high at JWH's expense
- as things stand now, Lewis will re-enter the GB top 25 on Monday week (having dropped out in May when Rob Carter overtook him) and Jack will be out on his ear again
They're a ****** pain, these players ... but at least they're mainly causing all this 'trouble' by moving upwards
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!