Haven't done the maths but it seems that both Ed and Dave have a great chance of making the top 300 before the end of the year. Neither have any points to defend.
Easier for Ed obviously because not only has he got more points to start with but he's still got several 1 pointers and only 17 counting events in total. Dave has his full 18 and is now up to 3 pointers as his 'knock off' scorer.
But Dave is signed up for a 10k the week after next and looks as though he intends to keep going as long as poss.
Haven't done the maths but it seems that both Ed and Dave have a great chance of making the top 300 before the end of the year. Neither have any points to defend.
Easier for Ed obviously because not only has he got more points to start with but he's still got several 1 pointers and only 17 counting events in total. Dave has his full 18 and is now up to 3 pointers as his 'knock off' scorer.
But Dave is signed up for a 10k the week after next and looks as though he intends to keep going as long as poss.
Would be nice if they did . . .
I couldn't see whether Ed was playing another event, is he playing some more 10ks? If so then a great chance of top 300
And he serves it out to love, finishing with two clean aces.
More dosh winging its way from the LTA . . :)
Very nice and consistent.
And great for other UK players to see that you can try challengers, get nowhere (or practically nowhere) but come back again some time later and give it another go and, with the experience behind you and a bit more strength and nouse, suddenly it all falls quite nicely into place.