I just hope that Laura has the epiphany that Andy had sooner rather than later (if at all!), and decides she wants to make it big. I would hate to be here after five years bemoaning her exceptional talent if she still hasn't decided to truly 'go for it'.
Official Quote:"Bit of news... Miles and I have decided not to continue our partnership. I want to thank Miles for stepping in on quick notice to be my coach this summer. I have great respect for him and a person and coach and look forward to continuing our friendship. I will take a couple weeks off to refresh my mind and body and will keep my fans updated on my coaching situation. Thanks for all the support!"
"will keep my fans updated". Fans? I think I must be old-fashioned: I thought this was how pop stars and sports superstars referred to their followers and supporters.
I think that's very perceptive. Once you start believing in your own myth, the only way is down.
"Where Ratty leads - the rest soon follow" (Professor Henry Brubaker - The Institute of Studies)