As a manager of an ATP player I find this site very useful although it's clear that that the majority are more interested in doubles it would be good to have a min of top 10 doubles ( all GB pairs)
Eg 1. colin fleming & Jon Marray points xyz
It be good to have a comparative study of GB emerging doubles pairs which could be critical to GB competing successfully in the top group .
As a manager of a ATP singles player who plays a lot of doubles it would be useful to know best all GB doubles pairs particularly now in top group of Davies cup when the doubles rubber could be very decisive .
We have colin Fleming & Jon Marray who are great up
It be nice to see how the young all GB doubles pairs are emerging
Not quite sure why two threads were started about this within a few minutes of each other (but then, nothing much makes sense any more today!) - anyway, I've merged them and thanks, freerider, for your understanding!
Of course, the fact I don't have time to do a doubles table doesn't stop anyone else from having a go if they want to. Don't all rush at once ...
A bit of advice if anyone does have a go - keep it to 10 and don't ever give in to the temptation to expand it LOL
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!
A1, if I ever were to need Sildenafil, I'd make sure that I avoid the guys who spam me the most. You are unintentionally having a similar effect on quite a few of us by creating multiple topics on the same subject.
Not quite sure why two threads were started about this within a few minutes of each other (but then, nothing much makes sense any more today!) - anyway, I've merged them and thanks, freerider, for your understanding!
No worries, thank you for doing the top 25 singles!
I don't really see the need for such a table. Most doubles players are either so as they are not good enough at singles or to top up income. The majority on here don't really bother with more than a fleeting glance at doubles. I think the updates on rankings cover this well and there are ATL rankings elsewhere with plenty details available. I don't see how this would benefit an apparent ATP manager. Sorry
If you'd find it that useful, do it yourself you cheeky ****
Of all tyrannies a tyranny exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive.... those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience
As a manager of an ATP player I find this site very useful although it's clear that that the majority are more interested in doubles it would be good to have a min of top 10 doubles ( all GB pairs)
Eg 1. colin fleming & Jon Marray points xyz
It be good to have a comparative study of GB emerging doubles pairs which could be critical to GB competing successfully in the top group .
Top 10 doubles league table may encourage more all GB tennis partnerships
As a manager of an ATP player I find this site very useful although it's clear that that the majority are more interested in doubles it would be good to have a min of top 10 doubles ( all GB pairs)
Eg 1. colin fleming & Jon Marray points xyz
It be good to have a comparative study of GB emerging doubles pairs which could be critical to GB competing successfully in the top group .
Top 10 doubles league table may encourage more all GB tennis partnerships
More all GB top 100 doubles partnerships if encouraged could benefit future
As a manager of an ATP player I find this site very useful although it's clear that that the majority are more interested in doubles it would be good to have a min of top 10 doubles ( all GB pairs)
Eg 1. colin fleming & Jon Marray points xyz
It be good to have a comparative study of GB emerging doubles pairs which could be critical to GB competing successfully in the top group .
Top 10 doubles league table may encourage more all GB tennis partnerships
More all GB top 100 doubles partnerships if encouraged could benefit future
Davis cup & fed cup chances
get real Gary! players don't look at this site (as a rule). If you or other players want Brit doubles rankings then the ATP site does the job.