For those interested, it would appear that LSH is taking live streams from today's qualifying rounds in Brasov, please see link above. A little unusual for qualifying to be televised, so it may turn out to be incorrect information. Worth a try perhaps.
This link - is free to view and is currently streaming the game before Kyle's match.
This link - is free to view and should be streaming the game before Oli's match, although it isn't working for some reason at the moment.
The match prior to Oli's has just finished. He's been tweeting less than 5 minutes before I started writing this about transfer deadline day.
I'm not a professional coach, but I'm pretty certain that this isn't the type of mental preparation and focus that works most of the time in pro sport. I wish him the best of luck for the match, of course.....could be a tough one on paper.....
If you took tweets as representative samples (which they may well be !!!), I think we'd conclude that our top tennis players spend 99.9% time either (a) playing fantasy football or (b) watching real football !!!
Mind you, Julien Hoferlin is one of the worst ! and martin weston has been getting ongoing stick from Kyle for not having picked his fantasy football team . . .
If you took tweets as representative samples (which they may well be !!!), I think we'd conclude that our top tennis players spend 99.9% time either (a) playing fantasy football or (b) watching real football !!!
Mind you, Julien Hoferlin is one of the worst ! and martin weston has been getting ongoing stick from Kyle for not having picked his fantasy football team . . .
True, but if they took most of our tweets as representative samples, they'd probably conclude that we spend 99.9% of our time watching/following tennis which would be a long way from the truth (at least, I assume it would be for most of us)
Obviously, I wish they tweeted more about tennis than about football but we can hardly blame them for using Twitter mainly for leisure purposes rather than work purposes.
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!
Having started at the same time, Kyle looks as though he'll have his game finished while Oli is still half-way through the first !
Kyle 4-1 in the second
Oli - 4-3* (shame about the uncalled for loose shots at the wrong moment - playing well otherwise, which might be a contradiction in terms obviously . . . )