Obviously, I meant if there are any glaring errors, if you could let know, that would be marvellous.
I'll keep it as Monacan. Us Yorkshire folk are fairly simple, long words confuse us.
At least you didn't put an apostrophe in the word "meant". That will keep SC off your back.
Not necessarily, Bob. I may have lived in London for the last 40 years & lost all trace of my local accent (not without a lot of encouragement from me, as it's not particularly easy on the ear - give me an honest-to-goodness West Riding accent any day), but I was born in Middlesbrough when it was still part of the North Riding of Yorkshire & my family looked south to York rather than north to, er, Mag & Mackem-land (or, if you're a Boro footie fan, Skunk & Deckchair-land, or the land of the teams that play at Sid James' Park or the Stadium of Sh1te), so I'm still a Yorkshirewoman first, then English, then British... I just happen, because of my linguistic background/professional training, to be obsessive about getting that sort of thing right!
-- Edited by Stircrazy on Tuesday 20th of August 2013 10:16:14 PM