Post/correction must have crossed somewhere along the line - I had added 1 to the week number. I thought I'd vary my usual error of forgetting to change something after copying and pasting another thread title by .. er .. changing something that should have been left as it was
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!
Bob. Suspect it's either rain or light. More likely the former as there would have been no point starting a match, then stopping within a game. All matches affected it seems.
Actually one doubles match now marked as live again, so perhaps you are right.
-- Edited by korriban on Tuesday 13th of August 2013 05:40:16 PM
OK. Match has now started but there is either a problem with Livescores, or someone is having a very long MTO in the first game. I'll guess the former.
Kyle is serving first and is 40-0 up, but it has been stuck at that for several minutes on both ITF Livescores and BET365.
I think Poland must have suffered a massive power cut. None of the scores from Polish matches are moving but others are working fine. So technical problems seem to be the issue here.
Now it gets even more strange. The duobles match due on AFTER Kyle on the same court is now up and running, but Kyle's score hasn't moved. Of course it is possible that the doubles match was moved to another court.