Hmmm. Having been optimistic last time, I'm a little less so this time. Rola is very underrranked, as he's been at university for the past three years ... where he has won everything in sight. If Bedene is any good (fascinated by anyone whose idols, according to his ATP biography include Nalbandian and Alberto Tomba ... suggests a certain, how shall we put it, volatility?), they could be quite a powerful pairing. Then again, Rola is quite new to the Tour.
Hmmm. Having been optimistic last time, I'm a little less so this time. Rola is very underrranked, as he's been at university for the past three years ... where he has won everything in sight. If Bedene is any good (fascinated by anyone whose idols, according to his ATP biography include Nalbandian and Alberto Tomba ... suggests a certain, how shall we put it, volatility?), they could be quite a powerful pairing. Then again, Rola is quite new to the Tour.
All hopes dashed:
SF: Aljaz Bedene & Blaz Rola (SLO/SLO) WR 665 "defeated" Arnau Brugues (ESP) & Darren Walsh WR 906 by a walkover
Wonder why that happened... Hope neither is injured.