Point taken, RJA. But I'll slightly stand by my point, too. At Wimbledon at this point last year, the men's doubles most certainly did not occupy the whole of one show court: one 3rd round match was played on Court 2, but one was on Court 7, one on court 12, two on court 14, one on court 17, and one on court 18. The US Open similarly put the Bryans' 3rd round onto the Grandstand, but two other men's third round matches onto Court 17 and one onto Court 11. AO does tend to have more men's doubles matches on show courts.
The difference is that the French Open is played over 15 days were as Wimbledon is only played over 13. The second Monday at the French sees 8 singles matches being played were as the second Monday at Wimbledon sees 16 singles matches played.
So we are both correct: you in noting that it is logical to have so many 3rd round doubles on show courts for Roland Garros, and I in noting that it is not a common phenomenon across Grand Slams. A good outcome.
Unusual to have a doubles third round match on a show court ! Naturally, I'm thrilled (as I suspect are SC and a few others). Good luck to them.
You're not wrong there, Spectator. I'd've been even happier if I'd been at home watching it! Don't forget, though, that a key factor in the schedulers' minds must have been that the boys' opponents are both French...
And they're off to a good start with an early break: *2-1.
Didn't really expect them to win; Mahut/Llodra "at home" is a tough ask. But well done to them for defending their points and being the last Brits (barring juniors and wheelchair) standing!