AB*4-3 again Alex misses come good chances to push further ahead. he's playing well, but you have to keep the pressure on. i wonder if Harrison is feeling the pace though, obviously winning last week, then a tough one yesterday.
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
A real pity that Alex wasn't able to capitalise on his early break in the 2nd set, but certainly seems like an encouraging performance against WR 81 on a (now 7-match) winning streak. Here's a pic from the ballboy's mum who sent the pic of Dave & Sean last night too:
Sorry to see the walkover - hope no one is injured badly - but delighted that Messrs Rice and Thornley are now going to get a minimum of 29 points for the tournament. (Unless there's some arcane rule I don't know about relating to walkovers) That should put Mr Thornley back into the top 200, I think. Is that correct?