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Post Info TOPIC: Week 3 - ITF ($10K) Glasgow, UK Hard

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RE: Week 3 - WTA ($10K) Glasgow, UK Hard

Indeed it is.

I shall post this link with no further comment other than


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Having checked out the above link, I would like to declare formally that I am NOT the Princess! It takes all sorts doesn't it - just harmless fun, I suppose!

Given that the Princess lists "her" location as Spain, I feel we need to challenge Bob in Spain as to whether he has a secret alter ego! After all, we know that Henry the Janitor was, in fact, Hong Kong Phooey (betrays age), so perhaps we have a secret Princess in our midst!


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korriban wrote:

Having checked out the above link, I would like to declare formally that I am NOT the Princess! It takes all sorts doesn't it - just harmless fun, I suppose!

Given that the Princess lists "her" location as Spain, I feel we need to challenge Bob in Spain as to whether he has a secret alter ego! After all, we know that Henry the Janitor was, in fact, Hong Kong Phooey (betrays age), so perhaps we have a secret Princess in our midst!

 I'll have you know that I look very good in pink, but I hit a single handed backhand - so that can't be me - can it ?


Strong Club Player

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Pink Princess is so funny.


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korriban wrote:

Having checked out the above link, I would like to declare formally that I am NOT the Princess! It takes all sorts doesn't it - just harmless fun, I suppose!

Given that the Princess lists "her" location as Spain, I feel we need to challenge Bob in Spain as to whether he has a secret alter ego! After all, we know that Henry the Janitor was, in fact, Hong Kong Phooey (betrays age), so perhaps we have a secret Princess in our midst!

So Spain it is - I was wondering where our mythical leader Ultimate[fillintheblank]fan a.k.a. Sheddie had disappeared to. wink

P.S. If you haven't been posting here at least 5 years, I fear you'll have no idea who I'm referring to.



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djlovesyou wrote:

Pink Princess is so funny.

I can think of a number of words to describe him(?), but I don't think that "funny" would be one of them. 

(It's my theory that pretty well all female celebrities are plagued with assorted weirdos and stalkers, and that there is an unwritten agreement in the Press not to publicise this - to try to avoid making the problem worse. Every now and then a case comes to court - for God's sake, Harriet Harman had a stalker! - when it has to be reported. In any event, I think it is fairly obvious to anyone with any common sense, that behaving online in what might be regarded as in any way deranged - however "wacky" and "edgy" and "ironic" one might think one is being - is SO not a good idea ...)


"Where Ratty leads - the rest soon follow" (Professor Henry Brubaker - The Institute of Studies)

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steven wrote:

korriban wrote:

Having checked out the above link, I would like to declare formally that I am NOT the Princess! It takes all sorts doesn't it - just harmless fun, I suppose!

Given that the Princess lists "her" location as Spain, I feel we need to challenge Bob in Spain as to whether he has a secret alter ego! After all, we know that Henry the Janitor was, in fact, Hong Kong Phooey (betrays age), so perhaps we have a secret Princess in our midst!

So Spain it is - I was wondering where our mythical leader Ultimate[fillintheblank]fan a.k.a. Sheddie had disappeared to. wink

P.S. If you haven't been posting here at least 5 years, I fear you'll have no idea who I'm referring to.


What did happen to Sheddie. I joined and he was here and getting match reports from Nigel Sears and updating the news then I blinked and he was gone...



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Mel lost 64 in the third.

Freya lost 60 62


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I'd love to be there tomorrow but.... late nights (Aus Open) and early mornings don't go well together!!!


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9/13 through can't be too bad!


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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PockyTastic wrote:
steven wrote:


korriban wrote:

Having checked out the above link, I would like to declare formally that I am NOT the Princess! It takes all sorts doesn't it - just harmless fun, I suppose!

Given that the Princess lists "her" location as Spain, I feel we need to challenge Bob in Spain as to whether he has a secret alter ego! After all, we know that Henry the Janitor was, in fact, Hong Kong Phooey (betrays age), so perhaps we have a secret Princess in our midst!

So Spain it is - I was wondering where our mythical leader Ultimate[fillintheblank]fan a.k.a. Sheddie had disappeared to. wink

P.S. If you haven't been posting here at least 5 years, I fear you'll have no idea who I'm referring to.



What did happen to Sheddie. I joined and he was here and getting match reports from Nigel Sears and updating the news then I blinked and he was gone...

I believe he's a freelance tennis writer these days, so he only writes if someone pays him for it wink (and good luck to him, btw - he did a great job getting this forum going) ... though actually, he has posted here intermittently, just not very often these days.


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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R2: GRIFFIN, Alannah (GBR) WC UNR lost to VAN UYTVANCK, Alison (BEL) 1 200 1-6 1-6
R2: WHYBOURN, Lisa (GBR) 5 292 beat FITZPATRICK, Anna (GBR) 716 6-1 2-6 6-0
R2: MOORE, Tara (GBR) 4 266 beat REN, Jessica (GBR) Q 1145 6-1 7-6(0)
R2: STEPHENSON, Francesca (GBR) 629 lost to BOWTELL, Amy (IRL) 497 5-7 2-6
R2: BROWN, Lucy (GBR) 741 beat STEVENSON, Alexandra (USA) 478 6-4 2-0 Ret.
R2: KONOTOPTSEVA, Danielle (GBR) Q 1153 beat PARRES AZCOITIA, Olga (ESP) 1015 6-1 6-3
R2: SMITH, Anna (GBR) WC UNR lost to LARRIERE, Victoria (FRA) Q 2 216 1-6 4-6

QF: WHYBOURN, Lisa (GBR) 5 292 v VAN UYTVANCK, Alison (BEL) 1 200
QF: MOORE, Tara (GBR) 4 266 v BOWTELL, Amy (IRL) 497
QF: BROWN, Lucy (GBR) 741 v GEORGES, Myrtle (FRA) 3 253
QF: R2: KONOTOPTSEVA, Danielle (GBR) Q 1153 v LARRIERE, Victoria (FRA) Q 2 216

-- Edited by Peter too on Thursday 17th of January 2013 09:32:12 PM


All-time great

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Tara has taken the first set against Ren 6-1. Anna Smith lost the first set by the same score.


All-time great

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Anna lost 1-6 4-6.


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Tara won 6-1 7-6(0)

Lisa won 6-1 2-6 6-0

Fran lost 5-7 2-6

Anna S lost 1-6 4-6

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