Very pleasing effort, one thing I have noticed is that Laura appears to play well against younger opponents, but this was a demolition job. Will play an Italian next so should be streamed.
Good grief !! The match on court 2 has been suspended for Heat !!
Yep its about 92 in the shade, so very hot, hence why they are not starting before 4pm local time. Laura doesn't mind the heat and maybe the other girl was a little tired after playing for the 4th day on the trot in this extreme heat.
Good grief !! The match on court 2 has been suspended for Heat !!
Yep its about 92 in the shade, so very hot, hence why they are not starting before 4pm local time. Laura doesn't mind the heat and maybe the other girl was a little tired after playing for the 4th day on the trot in this extreme heat.
I think it was just Laura who was too hot for her opponent today
Good grief !! The match on court 2 has been suspended for Heat !!
Yep its about 92 in the shade, so very hot, hence why they are not starting before 4pm local time. Laura doesn't mind the heat and maybe the other girl was a little tired after playing for the 4th day on the trot in this extreme heat.
I'd just assumed the whole of Europe was grey and damp at the moment !!
Will be a good test to see how close Laura manages to make it tomorrow. A couple of 4-6 sets to Vinci and I am starting to get carried away (arguably) and believe LR could be a fixture in the top 50.