ew, not sure I like the kit. I thought it would be a more tasteful red white and blue, with maybe green (WelshIirish) and pale blue (Scottish incorporated)
ew, not sure I like the kit. I thought it would be a more tasteful red white and blue, with maybe green (WelshIirish) and pale blue (Scottish incorporated)
It is a bit plain, and not sure where the light blue comes from.
Still, I prefer though it to the geometric rhombus thing K-Swiss have her wearing at the moment!
hasn't the replacement deadline passed? I thought I read that on twitter.
Yes it has but if anyone withdraws from now the highest ranked player on site who isn't competing in the singles will get in and currently Hev is the highest ranked player at 66 with Laura 2nd at 95, the next after these two is Gajdosova at 98!!
At the moment there doesn't seem to be anyone likely to pull out, maybe possibly Szavay because she hasn't competed in a while!
I always thought it would be good for Colin Fleming to get a singles ranking for this reason, but I guess it would be better for him to concentrate on doubles.
Am I right that the mixed doubles has no entry list in advance, basically being a draw of 16 pairs based on these players that are on site for singles and doubles, in some way picking the "best" 16 of these pairs who wish to compete ?
Mixed doubles is to some "hit and giggle" at the best of times, but in this instance and with selection in this way I do think that awarding Olympic medals to such pairs as against all those "real" Olympians that have dedicated thenselves and trained for years for their ultimate Olympic award is a bit of a farce.
I know some wouldn't have tennis at all at the Olympics, and I come and go a bit on that, but adding in mixed doubles ? No !!!
-- Edited by indiana on Tuesday 24th of July 2012 02:37:10 PM
Headline literally translates Martic has cancelled a performance at the Olympics.
No word on Hev replacing her yet
Threw this into google translate
'Neither Petra Martic, our best tennis player, will perform at the upcoming Olympic Games in London. Ozljeda zgloba noge naalost nije prola te je Petra bila prisiljena na otkazivanje nastupa na Igrama. Injury to the leg joints, unfortunately did not pass and Peter was forced to cancel performances at the Games.
- Evo do dananjeg dana sam gajila nadu u oporavak i vjerovala da u ipak otputovat na OI u London, ali naalost premalo je vremena za sanaciju ozljede koja je nastala jo u vrijeme Pariza. - Here's to this day I have cherished the hope of recovery and believe that I will still travel to the Olympics in London, but unfortunately there is little time to repair injuries that occurred in the time of Paris.U pitanju je 'plantarni fascitis' koji zna raditi probleme mjesecima. The question is 'plantar fasciitis' who knows how to work the problems for months.Cijeli moj tim je bio maksimalno ukljuen u moj oporavak, bili smo puni entuzijazma da bi do dananjeg dana mogla biti 100 posto spremna i otputovati u London, ali naalost nakon nekoliko treninga bol je jo uvijek prisutna, stoga sam odluila teka srca preskoiti ove OI, kako se ova ozljeda ne bi pogorala i zakomplicirala. My whole team was maximally involved in my recovery, we were enthusiastic to get to this day could be 100 percent ready and travel to London, but unfortunately after a few sessions the pain was still there, so I decided to skip the heavy heart of the Olympics, How is this injury would not have worsened and complicated.Nadam se kako u spremna otputovati u Ameriku i nesmetano nastavit sezonu... Hopefully I'll be ready to go to America and continue uninterrupted season ...- kazala nam je u dahu Petra. - Told us the breath of Peter.
teta, jer trebala je igrati iu pojedinanom turniru, ali iu konkurenciji mjeovitih parova zajedno s Ivom Karloviem. Too bad, because it was supposed to play in a single tournament, but also in the mixed doubles competition together with Ivo Karlovic.Pitanje je bi li njih dvoje uope uli u turnir mjeovitih parova iji je drijeb 31. The question is whether the two of them even entered the mixed doubles tournament which is a lot 31stsrpnja, pet dana nakon drijeba pojedinanog turnira, no bila je to kombinacija koja je raspirivala matu. July, five days after the draw of the individual tournament, but it was a combination that has fueled the imagination.
S olimpijskim tenisom nikako nemamo sree. With the Olympic tennis certainly do not have luck.U Pekingu su nastup otkazali Mario Ani, Ivo Karlovi i Ivan Ljubii, igrao je samo Marin ili. In Beijing, the performance canceled Mario Ancic, Ivo Karlovic and Ivan Ljubicic, he played only Roger Federer.Sada, Petra je prva otkazala, ai Karlovi ima problema sa skonim zglobom te je i njegov nastup i dalje upitan iu pojedinanoj konkurenciji. Now, Peter is the first canceled, and Karlovic has a problem with the ankle joint, and his performance is still questionable in the individual competition.
- Zahvaljujem svima u svom timu na ogromnom trudu i podrci, a svojim kolegicama i kolegama elim veliki uspjeh u Londonu - poruila je Petra Marti. - Thanks to everyone in your team to the enormous efforts and support, and his colleagues want a great success in London - said Petra Martic.'