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Post Info TOPIC: Week 26 - WTA ($11M) - Wimbledon, UK Grass (Main Draw)

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RE: Week 26 - WTA ($11M) - Wimbledon, UK Grass (Main Draw)

Well, at least she avoided the double bagel!


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Ratty wrote:

Have to agree there. And I'm sorry to sound like a cracked record but HOW MUCH LONGER is this bloody useless Virginia Wade going to be employed by the BBC? Can't someone tell her that at the age of 67 her horrible girly exclamations are just hideously grotesque. Quite apart from all her other general incompetence.

Oooh don't get me started... Virigina Wade and Andrew Castle should be locked together in a room with a vast choice of weapons..

On a less vindictive note I really enjoyed Jim Couriers coverage of the French Open. No nonsense about how he got there on the Metro who's girlfriend is wearing what. But sensible informed commentary on the players.

Not like the endless noise of ex tennis players earning a fortune for meaningless twaddle on the BBC.

Really, and I'm sorry here if it offends, I just like to hear a really sound introduction setting out the player history and then I like quiet unless there's something to be said....

Gathering myself for Heather tomorrow XX


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Armchair wrote:
Really, and I'm sorry here if it offends, I just like to hear a really sound introduction setting out the player history and then I like quiet unless there's something to be said....


I quite agree. Dear old Barry Davies might not be the most expert commentator going but he does understand that TV viewers have eyes and can see what is going on so don't need to be talked too endlessly.


Lower Club Player

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Armchair wrote:

I'm a bit unhappy that Elena & Anne have the Olympic places because frankly I think Hev & Laura would stand a much better chance of winning a match.
I suppose it's like getting your gold watch. It's much deserved in terms of what they've done for British tennis, but slightly unrealistic in terms of what they might achieve.

 Totally agree. Heather and Laura could possibly do some damage, Elena and Anne have been great for British Tennis, but realisticallywould have been better off as the doubles pairing. 


Challenger level

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Heather 2nd on court Centre after Djokovic and before Federer.
Hmmm, seems like good company to be in.

3.30pm aprox.


Grand Slam Champion

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Maza1987 wrote:

Heather 2nd on court Centre after Djokovic and before Federer.
Hmmm, seems like good company to be in.

3.30pm aprox.

 Really looking forward to Hev's match, knowing her, she'll just get on and enjoy it. Hopefully give us more than the bookies predict


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rebel_rebel wrote:
Armchair wrote:

I'm a bit unhappy that Elena & Anne have the Olympic places because frankly I think Hev & Laura would stand a much better chance of winning a match.
I suppose it's like getting your gold watch. It's much deserved in terms of what they've done for British tennis, but slightly unrealistic in terms of what they might achieve.

 Totally agree. Heather and Laura could possibly do some damage, Elena and Anne have been great for British Tennis, but realisticallywould have been better off as the doubles pairing. 

 I agree, tough one to call. Robbo's good on a big stage, and Hev's top in the race. Still it's good that years of servoce count for something I guess.


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Futures level

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What's the situation with ranking points at the Olympics? (apologies if someone has answered this already!)


Challenger level

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LordBrownof wrote:

What's the situation with ranking points at the Olympics? (apologies if someone has answered this already!)

 Mens Singles
Gold Medal 750
Silver Medal 450
Bronze Medal 340 
Loser 3rd/4th 270
Quarterfinals 135
Round of 16 70
Round of 32 35
1st round 5


Ladies Singles

Gold Medal 685
Silver Medal 470
Bronze Medal 340 
Loser 3rd/4th 260
Quarterfinals 175
Round of 16 95
Round of 32 55
1st round 1


 Its really not as bad as they say :)

Challenger level

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Heather needed to play her best just to simply compete and, alas, was nowhere near it. Too many unforced errors which is the last thing you need against Radwanska. I don't know if it was because she was nervous or whether it was because Radwanska was on the other side of the net that she felt she needed to go for the lines more. Either way, the reality is that Aga plays similar to Heather but executes to a much higher level.

Nonetheless, still an encouraging tournament overall. Very little in terms of points to defend for the rest of the year and she could/should end top 70 imo.

On to Stanford which, by the way, seems a bit strange as the Olympics are going to be back here soon on grass. Flying across the Atlantic to play on hard, then coming back for grass, then back across the Atlantic for more hard. Hopefully it doesn't take its toll.

-- Edited by Maza1987 on Friday 29th of June 2012 04:52:22 PM


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Pragmatically, these are not LTA but ITF wild cards. I think politically it would have been hard to not propose your top 2 ranked players at the cut off time.


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Happycynic wrote:

Pragmatically, these are not LTA but ITF wild cards. I think politically it would have been hard to not propose your top 2 ranked players at the cut off time.

Yes that sounds like a realistic appraisal of the situation.


Intermediate Club Player

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With the roof closed on center, who do you think this will advantage? I would say Hev!


Challenger level

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^I think neither of them. However, of the two, you would say it's Heather who struggles to get that extra penetration through the court. So if, as the pundits have been saying, it plays faster with the roof, perhaps it might help Heather after all.

But I remember when Andy played under the roof a couple of years ago, he actually said the court become slower and it became harder to hit through the ball. So I don't really know what affect the roof being closed has.


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Hard start for Heather *4-0 down

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