R1: (1 ) David Rice & Sean Thornley WR 491 bye
R1: Andrew Fitzpatrick & Nathan Rooney UNR vs Jean Erasmus & Andy Gauthier (NAM/USA) UNR
R1: (3) Julien Maes & Fabrice Martin (FRA/FRA) WR 1022 vs James Hignett & Matt Short UNR
R1: Ed Corrie & James Marsalek WR 1896 vs Jiri Kosler & Ruan Roelofse WR 1683
R1: Marvin Barker & Albano Olivetti (NZL/FRA) WR 1324 vs Keelan Oakley & Edward Louies Oueilhe (USA) WR 2648
R1: Anton Bettink & Nick Turner (NZL/NZL) UNR vs (4) Lewis Burton & Marcus Willis WR 1036
R1: George Coupland & Alex Golding UNR vs Maniel Bains & Dan Evans WR 2071
R1: Alex Farquharson & Tom Farquharson UNR vs (2) Chris Eaton & Josh Goodall WR 528 (!)
I will change the face of tennis
Short had 2 set points, but Berman holds 6-6
Matt Short 7-6 ( ) *2-5 ( ).
Matt gets the break back: *4-5 in the second.