BBC have finally decided to stream one of the doubles matches: Heather & Ross about to start.
Probably because Heather is one half of the British pair, but to be fair, I think the Beeb's actually quite good at covering doubles matches in the early evening once the main singles matches are out of the way. Moreover, if a British pair is scheduled to play on a court where there are no TV cameras, there's bugger all they can do about it anyway!
Yes! After 2 hours & 16 minutes, Ross serves out the match at 8-6 in the third to give us four out of six pairs so far through to the second round of the mixed (they survived a match point in the 13th game! )!
-- Edited by Stircrazy on Saturday 25th of June 2011 07:04:25 PM
Probably because Heather is one half of the British pair, but to be fair, I think the Beeb's actually quite good at covering doubles matches in the early evening once the main singles matches are out of the way.
I don't know why they didn't cover Heather/Jos or Anne/Laura - they only had 3 other streams in use at the time so they had space capacity, but at least the one they did pick was a winning combination.
Great pity that they lost that. I was thinking Anne hadn't had a win, but of course she reached 2nd in singles. Thrilled for Heather and Jos to be through to another round in their mixed, and Bally too of course.
-- Edited by Julia Carrot on Saturday 25th of June 2011 08:55:32 PM