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Post Info TOPIC: Week 24 - Wimbledon Men's Qualifying

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RE: Week 24 - Wimbledon Men's Qualifying

David & Sean pull it off:  7-5 4-6 6-3! biggrin  Well done, lads!   Out of interest, do they pick up any ranking points for qualifying?


Lower Club Player

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Really pleased!! Fingers crossed for a decent draw now and to gain even more points


Hall of fame

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Fully deserved lads.


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ah sweet vindication. congratulations sean and dave!


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Stircrazy wrote:

David & Sean pull it off:  7-5 4-6 6-3! biggrin  Well done, lads!   Out of interest, do they pick up any ranking points for qualifying?

 25,  I believe. Perhaps someone else could confirm that?


Strong Club Player

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Got to be in the running for Davis Cup.


Tennis legend

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Really pleased they made it - and judging by the reactions here and from the other GB players on twitter, it's one of the most popular wins of the year  biggrin I'm sure, like us, the players know or can guess how much effort they must have put in to improve so much this year.


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Hall of fame

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HossTheBoss wrote:

Got to be in the running for Davis Cup.

 Ahead of Murray, Hutchins, Fleming, Skupski, Delgado, Marray??


Strong Club Player

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Wouldnt be alot between them ,i wont be surprised to see them win a small challenger b4 the end of the year.


Masters Series Champion

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sorry hoss, but these guys compete, and have won atp tour titles . rice/thornley are far from that right now, hopefully they can come through thou




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steven wrote:

Really pleased they made it - and judging by the reactions here and from the other GB players on twitter, it's one of the most popular wins of the year  biggrin I'm sure, like us, the players know or can guess how much effort they must have put in to improve so much this year.

 I think almost everybody thought they deserved a main draw wild card so naturally everyone is delighted that they came through.


Tennis legend

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Really good to see David and Sean getting through, beating two pairs composed of 3 top 150 doubles ranked players and Stephane Robert, a top 250 doubles and top 150 singles ranked player.

I still absoutely don't understand how the huge strides they have made as an established pair this year ( continualy improving their ranking so that each is now in the top 300 and every indication that they will go quite a bit higher ) did not result in a MD WC.

But they seem to have showed very good attitude, being not unaware that many folk thought they should have been in the MD, and have done their talking on the court.

All that said, I do not see them as at all being in contention for a Davis Cup place, way to go yet  ( march through the MD and I might reappraise that  smile  )

Anyway, they were able to right a wrong and really prove themselves so all good on that score.  Re Richard Bloomfield not being in qualifying, we will never know.....


Social player

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amazing from thornley/rice must i told you they would do it! hope they can do damage in the main draw now!


I am Keyser Soze...

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Julia Carrot wrote:
Stircrazy wrote:

David & Sean pull it off:  7-5 4-6 6-3! biggrin  Well done, lads!   Out of interest, do they pick up any ranking points for qualifying?

 25,  I believe. Perhaps someone else could confirm that?


Certainly last year's qualifiers got 25 points ( the same as singles qualifiers ) so must be the case.

These 25 points in themselves when applied will it seems, slightly ironically, bring their combined ranking under WR 500, the level that the LTA said would be required to be considered for a MD WC ( although the 250 target was bypassed for singles ).  They were that close after their considerable rise up the rankings this year.


Hall of fame

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Are Thorners and Ricey the new version of Flemski from 2 years ago ?

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