I am afraid I can see quite difficult times ahead for the group of 1992 boys out of juniors.
They are not as clearly talented as the other recent biggish group, the 1990 boys, but hopely with dedication and perserverance some can make the most of their abilities and in time achieve a real rise up the rankings.
Hopefully the winner of the Boggo match will progress to at least the quarters.
Lim is a weird one for Smetty, he is 19 years old and seemed to stop playing since the start of August, bar a poor performance in the Davis Cup. He won the weak Busan Challenger but has had some horrible reults, 6-0, 6-1 defeat to Levy, defeat to WR1404, WR1153 in the last year. He also rarely plays on clay, so i'm inclined to say that maybe Dan will sneak this one, as Lim reminds me of a better version of Eaton, where when he finds his form he can be really good but seems to be terribly inconsistent
interesting match between Boggo & Ward here, on any other surface you'd say Alex would be a strong fav but i believe it will be closer as Ward has more recent extensive experience on the clay than Alex so i could see this one going either way.
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.