The averaged predictions should in theory be more accurate than any one individual's predictions.
And in fact should be very accurate indeed, if one accepts Surowiecki's hypothesis in The Wisdom of Crowds.
Ah yes, but you need to factor in the relentless optimism of British tennis fans in the face of years of (at least mild) disappointment.
I've got a lot of work on this week, but I'll have a go at this at the weekend. Can't believe I got Elena spot on this year ... or how badly virtually all my other predictions were!
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!
Thanks very much Shhh for producing that table of averages.
To me, it looks as if we are generally less optimistic than before with hopefully not too unrealstic hopes of big rises for Heather and Laura. Maybe more folk actually want to win the thing this year ( checks that someone hasn't edited in that I am offering some big / any prize )
Generally in the past, I think the collective wisdom of our crowd has more homed in towards an average of our various optimism levels than any likely true accuracy.
Anyay, four days to go until the tennis starts again, hurrah so please get those new entries in or existing entrants fine tune your entry by then.
Qualifying starts on Saturday, so not even 4 days to go. The Q draw should be available early tomorrow morning UK time. I'm guessing with only 2 days of qualifying, both Hev and Katie will be in action on Saturday.
MS : James Ward 185 MS : Alex Bogdanovic 290 MS : Dan Cox 260 MS : Dan Evans 350 MS : Jamie Baker 220 MS : Josh Milton 330 WS : Elena Baltacha 60 WS : Anne Keothavong 95 WS : Heather Watson 70 WS : Katie O'Brien 130 Ws : Naomi Cavaday 180 WS : Laura Robson 110
MS : James Ward 170 MS : Alex Bogdanovic 340 MS : Dan Cox 230 MS : Dan Evans 330 MS : Jamie Baker 400 MS : Josh Milton 320 WS : Elena Baltacha 70 WS : Anne Keothavong 125 WS : Heather Watson 65 WS : Katie O'Brien 200 WS : Naomi Cavaday 145 WS : Laura Robson 130
MS : James Ward 145 MS : Alex Bogdanovic 170 MS : Dan Cox 260 MS : Dan Evans 350 MS : Jamie Baker 400 MS : Josh Milton 290 WS : Elena Baltacha 40 WS : Anne Keothavong 110 WS : Heather Watson 90 WS : Katie O'Brien 140 WS : Naomi Cavaday 180 WS : Laura Robson 125
I can't help feeling I've been wildly over-optimistic here overall, but going back through, I find it hard to find reasons to be more pessimistic about any of the predictions individually. Of course, these all assume no (or very limited) injuries, and that's unlikely to be the case.
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!
MS : James Ward 170 MS : Alex Bogdanovic 240 MS : Dan Cox 260 MS : Dan Evans 199 MS : Jamie Baker 300 MS : Josh Milton 320 WS : Elena Baltacha 75 WS : Anne Keothavong 80 WS : Heather Watson 110 WS : Katie O'Brien 200 Ws : Naomi Cavaday 230 WS : Laura Robson 90
I have set out here each player's current ranking, our average prediction and our high and low prediction. Our average prediction for all 6 men is quite a bit higher than their current ranking - hmm. For the women, 4 of the 6 we have on average predicted higher than their current ranking ( including not surprisingly Heather and Laura ) The only players overall we have on average to fall during the year are Elena and Katie, one I suspect just because last year was so good and the other due to general concerns re her form.
What you say, is he mad ?! We haven't yet completed the first week of the year.
Ah ha, what I thought I'd do is produce a list showing the predictions as against the current rankings.. So, it's not really the case that any are better than others. Just these at the top of the list have predicted closest to the current rankings and these at the bottom predicted furthest away from the current rankings so are looking for big movements during the year.
I wonder how much the final leaderboard come December will correlate with this list.
Anyway, I will let things have a chance to move over the first half of the year before I produce the first list that allows for ranking moves this year.