With the GREATEST of respect to the Legend of the board ...
... Liam's is the bog-standard up-&-coming sportsplayer's interview:
1. I've got a good training set-up
2. It's all down to me
3. I need to improve
4. It's a long road
What does it tell us? - nothing at all, apart from that he's obviously been on the LTA Media Training ("above all, never say anything interesting") course.
"Where Ratty leads - the rest soon follow" (Professor Henry Brubaker - The Institute of Studies)
Obviously not an earth-shattering interview, else I might have started a new thread instead of tacking it onto the end of a week 45 Futures thread ... and in case you hadn't guessed, it's not me who sets the silly "what you get called if you've done this number of posts" designations on the board ...
At least players like Liam only do these interviews a few times a year - I wish (for his sake!) that the same was true of Andy, who must get asked much the same questions every other day! I wonder if there was ever a time (maybe in the days before we could see matches on TV?) when sports journalists concentrated on reporting on the action instead of seemingly finding it more important to try to get players to say something stupid/controversial in interviews.
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!