eblunt is Verdy, Scratchy is Duckboy, Bethan is TsonGEM, Akhenaten is Gonzo, goldfish is Radek 'Count Duckula' Stepanek and Josh is Kohli ... and that's just for starters! Jack is the only BTer to be twinned with a Brit, Dr No.
That's ironic Steven! Just like Duckboys career, my Battle of the boards ranking is slowly fading away........
'The first three-figure riser' Montréal Masters 'Battle of the Boards' pick 'em 2009
Talking of dragging up old threads... I rose 14 places to WR 75. Hurrah. Am now twinned with Daniel Brands. Seems like I had a pretty good finish in Toronto. But, I fear I STILL need to pull good result out of the remaining Pick'ems of the year in order to defend my top 10 finish from Shanghai last year!
King of Slice "He's on a one-man mission to bring the slice back to tennis." Inverdale