That performance alone should be enough for the LTA and Leon Smith to realise that they've underestimated Boggo's efforts and to re-instate his funding.
How gutted must he feel? That one is going to hurt right now. In the future, he can be proud that he fought so hard and went as far as he did. 24-22? I mean, seriously? That's some stamina right there.
Gawd knows how he's feeling at the mo, I'm bereft. I so wanted him to do well and get through the qualifiers and thereby **** a snook at the LTA. Fantastic effort and when he's over his disappointment I'm sure he'll realise what a fine performance he put up.
First newspaper headline - De Telegraaf from Holland (Dutch is so like English, it's almost impossible not to understand the story if you know the subject) with a lovely headline:
22-24 in the third set of the second round of Wimbledon qualies: how close does a Brit have to get before failing? And how soul-destroying must that have been for Boggo? I really feel for the lad. Boggo, you did us proud, but sadly, your best just wasn't quite good enough!