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Post Info TOPIC: The next DC captain ... (update: JL has now resigned)

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RE: The next DC captain ... (update: JL has now resigned)

LadyTigress wrote:

biggrin.gif Since they were discussing the DC captain replacement, I e-mailled them and told them how we'd been discussing it here on, and gave them the results of our poll "Who should be the next DC captain" (from the Lithuania thread). They read it out (the names and percentages and everything) and specifically said "".


Ha.  In complaining recently to LTA about their news calling Dan Evans GB no 3 when he wasn't ( I suggested slightly naughtilly that maybe some folk had erased Boggo from their minds )  I also pointed to the results of the poll on the forum, saying  :

"Instead we await a relegation tie with Turkey, at which one person in 38 in a poll on the website, home of many real tennis enthusiasts, thinks John Lloyd should be captain.  That's not just because of his selection for this latest tie, but for his accumulated crimes."

So, you were not alone  smile


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LadyTigress wrote:

smile We got a plug on Sky Sports, you guys!

biggrin.gif Since they were discussing the DC captain replacement, I e-mailled them and told them how we'd been discussing it here on, and gave them the results of our poll "Who should be the next DC captain" (from the Lithuania thread). They read it out (the names and percentages and everything) and specifically said "".

giggle.gif Peter Fleming even made a joke and said "why didn't I make it onto that list?!" and Marcus Buckland suggested that maybe he came under our "Someone else" poll option!

-- Edited by LadyTigress on Wednesday 17th of March 2010 11:38:35 PM

Yep I've just played it back but I didn't here your name mentioned.
Marcus also thought that Petch would have been happy with his 7% of the vote.



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I know I wasn't, they just mentioned the website. But it was me that e-mailled them. And yeah, I also caught the Petchey thing, it was nice they were having some fun with it!

Here's the proof that it was me:

aww Anything that promotes us, I'm pleased with.

-- Edited by LadyTigress on Thursday 18th of March 2010 12:06:46 AM

King of Slice
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LadyTigress wrote:


I know I wasn't, they just mentioned the website. But it was me that e-mailled them. And yeah, I also caught the Petchey thing, it was nice they were having some fun with it!

Here's the proof that it was me:

aww Anything that promotes us, I'm pleased with.


I wasn't doubting that you were behind the plug just disappointed that you were denied the glory of having your name mentioned on a national sports channel.

edited no problem.

-- Edited by philwrig on Thursday 18th of March 2010 12:10:32 AM


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Oh that's a shame, I was thinking Marcus spends his spare time catching up on here. Well done on e-mailing them anyway.


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It's okay. I've had that glory a good few times before. This time it was more glorious to get the plug!

Er... mind editing your post? I wouldn't ask but my original picture I uploaded there has my personal email address on for anyone to access and I've now editted to blank those parts out!

EDIT: Thank you, philwrig! smile

-- Edited by LadyTigress on Thursday 18th of March 2010 12:15:13 AM

King of Slice
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Oops, sorry, I got confused.

I see Lady T wrote to Sky Sports which was what was relevant here, whereas I mentioned the poll whilst writing to the LTA.

Go, Lady T  !!   smile

So, I will merely claim responsibility for directing the LTA to the poll that finally made them all see sense  wink.gif 


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indiana wrote:

I will merely claim responsibility for directing the LTA to the poll that finally made them all see sense  wink.gif

Did it?  How can you be so sure? confuse



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Maybe the wink should give you a hint he was joking? laughing.gif


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indiana wrote:

Oops, sorry, I got confused.

I see Lady T wrote to Sky Sports which was what was relevant here, whereas I mentioned the poll whilst writing to the LTA.

Go, Lady T  !!   smile

So, I will merely claim responsibility for directing the LTA to the poll that finally made them all see sense  wink.gif 

biggrin I don't know what it is, but that tends to happen a lot. Whether it's a journo at Wimbledon asking me for information about Igor Kunitsyn, or Sky Sports reading out every email I send to them. To that end, I've decided to use my powers in order to promote and publicise those in need (from to little-known tennis players!) and educate the masses. I can often be found at Aorangi where the crowds around me cry out "who's that?!" and I then proceed to educate them thusly, supplying not only the name but pertinant career information and providing a sort of mini profile. Maybe I got sick one day of the Wimbly crowds I encountered only knowing who Federer and Andy were and spoke out what I knew - suddenly I found everyone looking to me for guidance. Really, they ought to do what the website recommends and take a look at the draws and profiles before they arrive! But in absence of that, I seem to serve as a handy on-site encyclopaedia, preventing the embarrassment of players getting called by the wrong name or worse "Oi, you!". Poor Julian Knowle got "NANDO! NANDO!" yelled at him last year. biggrin LOL. I don't mind, as I said, I really enjoy spreading the knowledge, and also getting to promote and publicise the places and people I support! aww.gifthumbsup.gif


King of Slice
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philwrig wrote:

LadyTigress wrote:
I know I wasn't, they just mentioned the website. But it was me that e-mailled them. And yeah, I also caught the Petchey thing, it was nice they were having some fun with it!

Here's the proof that it was me:

aww Anything that promotes us, I'm pleased with.

I wasn't doubting that you were behind the plug just disappointed that you were denied the glory of having your name mentioned on a national sports channel.
That's great getting mentioned biggrin ... though typically it had to happen on the one day the site was down no LOL (still, maybe that's a good thing, avoids embarrassment! wink)

It's completely normal to have stuff quoted anonymously - Petch once quoted a post from me on about the similarities between Fed and Muzza when they turned 21 virtually verbatim as "someone said" evileye and OEM regularly uses snippets from here without attributing them (mostly stats stuff that could have come from anywhere but probably didn't, but also including the infamous Flembo "quotegate" and Boggo's "racketgate"), though I remember he did once quote a few posters on the forum with their usernames, but only in a silly story about Robert Dee (, and we don't really want to mention the start of the very circuitous route that led to that story, do we. evileye (though the original version was far more positive)

To my mind, if we're helping to get facts/opinion out there, that can only be a good thing, even when (or possibly especially when! ashamed) nobody knows any of it is coming from us., the eminences grises of the tennis world. wink


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Indeed... as much as I wish people would just educate thesmelves in the first place... to me I don't mind sitting in a match at Wimbledon and explaining to five eager-faced journos the epic tale of Igor Kunitsyn's struggle to tennis professionalism which began in distant far eastern Russia, in Vladivostok where the tennis facilities run sparse amidst the breathtaking windswept mountains of the wild, untamed Pacific coast... [/storyteller mode]. Well, okay, maybe I do mind if it's in the middle of a match of a player I really want to see playing. But publicity is good for their support, and I've raised the profile of a good many players so far.

-- Edited by LadyTigress on Thursday 18th of March 2010 01:16:54 AM

King of Slice
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Btw on the Rusedski board, less than 50% voted for the Ruser. The options (with Matthew's pithy summaries) and votes were:

Greg Rusedski - the only serious choice 47%
John Lloyd - it's not his fault ! 22%
Tim Henman - golfer and parent 19%
Sam Smith - great pair of legs 6%

David Lloyd - for a laugh ! 3%
Mark Petchy - what he doesnt know about tennis ... 3%

Stan Smith - even better legs 0%
Barry Cowan - rubbish player, naff commentator ... 0%
Roger Draper - already good at post match analyses 0%
Buster Mottram - for discipline ! 0%

32 votes total


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Obviously it's kinda hard to say this in the midst of the current tsunami f bullsh*t from everyone and his uncle with theories about how to solve the longstanding "crisis" in British tennis, but let me ask a simple question.

Does Britain actually underperform at tennis?


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Jonathan Overend is suggesting that Dave Sammell may be a good choice, anyone know much about this guy?



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