L16: Richard Bloomfield WR 465 vs (Q) Kevin Deden (GER) WR 530
If Richard manages to get past Deden, he will face another qualifier in the QF, either the Montengrin, Daniel Danilovic (WR 859), who saw off the Belge top seed, Niels Desein, today ( ), or the Croat, Ante Pavic (WR 814), who beat Rieschick (WR 452) today.
QF: Richard Bloomfield WR 465 v (Q) Daniel Danilovic (MNE) WR 859
Danilovic beat the no. 1 seed (Desein WR 208) in R1 and was in the top 500 last year, though he lost 7-5 in the 3rd to the Wardinator in Feb 2009 and to Flembo in late 2008 a couple of weeks after beating Jamie Baker in two t/bs.
first match on centre court Friday 14.30 (13.30 GMT) - They seem to favour these late starts, especially considering there is both women and men's events, so with a bit of luck should be live video - good quality even on full screen