This is really pathetic - I don't see what any of this has to do with a sports message board. Let's all just stick to having sport-related avators, please.
Oh, boo-hoo, maybe you'd feel better steering clear of the Chat section where "pretty much anything goes"
Where did you find that England player still standing ?
"Pretty much" anything goes... I just think it's a bit sad to go to the trouble of changing your avator just because of a cat thread.
This is really pathetic - I don't see what any of this has to do with a sports message board. Let's all just stick to having sport-related avators, please.
Think you might have been a bit too subtle for some people there Hoose!
My new Boggo's not going anywhere. Had to change about a month ago cos my picture of Murray I had for about 3 years no longer appears to be on the internet.